Friday, July 9, 2010

blah blah blah potato or potatoe

why did i start a blog? no clue. no really..i don't a have clue, i have below par writing skills, don't have an exciting life..well actually i think i do but not the kind of excitement you're probably used to, idk why i'm saying "you" since i know nobody is reading this and probably wont read it till days or weeks after it has been written but oh well....actually my life is pretty fucken random and though its a good thing sometimes most of the time i can't share my random events with anyone because they think i'm lying and making shit up.
like the time i went to the parking lot at my school to use the pop machine, and i actually ended up with 3 pops and my money back, plus a dollar...that was fucken nuts and no1 would have believed me if it weren't for the fact that my friend Dee was there with me, so this is what happened, i was being all emo and whatnot cuz of a shitty break up *which i will probably write about later, maybe, perhaps, who knows* so i was doing the usual shit writing shitty break up poetry, attempting to write songs, and just being emo, so anywho my luck started changing, met some pretty awesome people, got super close to my friends and realized that they are my true family, and even went as far as kissing 3 different girls in the span of like idk maybe 12 hours, in my defense i was very drunk, alone, and they were hot, so the next day i'm sleepy and i wanted a cherry coke, however, the store was closed so i went to use the pop machine in the parking lot's office. i put a dollar and a quarter, i pushed the cherry coke button...and it came out...then another one came out, and then another one came out...3 freaking cherry cokes came out but ...its not done...noooo sirreeee... a shitload of quarters start coming out as well!! like it would not stop...i think i got like 5 bucks in was freaking awesome...i told my friend about it and she didnt fucken believe me, shit i wouldn't even believe me, but Dee was there and that's what counts cuz at least someone got to see a random event take place.

so more random stuff that happened. this is while i was in Ghana last month for study abroad, i started playing the finger-circle game, where if you look at it you get punched, so the other students are getting annoyed cuz the game is so played out but fuck it, it was africa and i brought the game to them, so i trip and when i land i see a little cardboard piece with the finger-circle drawn on it! like are you fucken kidding me?? that was awesome and it's one of my treasured artifacts from africa, even though the symbol is totally not-african.

so more recent stuff:
Wednesday : almost crashed because a cat decides to try and commit suicide by diving in front of me
thursday: i killed a pigeon...i ran over it...i couldn't avoid it. Someone threw a fry on the street and as i approached the fry the pigeon dove to try and get the said fry and the just :thump: i ran over it....if you think about it thats a pretty funny yet sadistic game to play, because you know the stupid bird is going to go and get the fry so if you time perfectly you can get a car to hit a bird.....and ok i'll admit it i did that once in high school but it was a seagull and nobody likes seagulls lol.
Friday- giant dragonfly crashes on my laptop at borders causing me to freak out and scream ...and then the coffee filter ripped so my coffee had pieces of ground coffee in it...i thought it as oreo crumbs so i got excited till i drank it and it tasted like crap....i try and get a replacement and i can't because the coffee machine is broken...and i'm writing this without having coffee...

and since this a completely random post about nothing here is my reading list:
the heroic age : Death of dracula - seems like a promising new series by marvel
the heroic age: The new Avengers - eh its ok but seriously there are a fuckload of Avengers teams already , the original avengers, the new avengers, the dark avengers, whats next? the avengers avengers?
dark wolverine - hands down one of the best series
Wolverine origins - my top series
wolverine #900 - out of all the stories i only like the one about his birthday, me and wolverine have a lot in common, yes i'm sympathizing with a fictional character so what.

and i'm re-reading "chariot of the gods" and you should read it too

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