Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mohawk, unique name, girl of my dreams, and Poland

This is going to be a bit of a rant, and i believe i have every right to do so because i have had the same haircut for probably 8 years now, and before you go on and think "oh well its because you're a kid and you have a douchebag non-professional haircut" let me stop you and say Fuck You. its not that i only like my fauxhawk, though i'll admit that nobody can rock it like me, i look fucken good and you know it lol but i have seriously tried every haircut and i look freaking ridiculous, i had braids once [ don't ask ] i shaved my head once too, i had a bowl cut LOL i had everything, and the only thing that works is my lil fauxhawk, and i think every girl that i've dated will agree on one thing, and its not that i was a dickhead it will be that i have awesome hair. How is this a rant you ask? why does it seem like i'm just blabbing on and on about my hair in an egotistical manner? well let me tell you my furry friend, its because every freaking hispanic guy has my hair cut out of nowhere!! i even let a little rat tail thingy and they do that too!!!!!
and this always happens!! the fauxhawk fad will come and go, its like a fucken season, like they all say "hey guys its fauxhawk season again everybody get that haircut" fuck man, i have this hair for a reason! because well...actually two reasons!
  1. nothing else works for me
  2. i don't want to be like every fucken latino and have a fade. fuck fades
so with every other douchebag having my hair cut it freaking renders my second reason obsolete!! wtf???

alright thats it, now on to having a unique name:
Having a unique name is awesome and it's a great conversation starter, HOWEVER, whenever you hear someone talk about a YOAB there is a 99% chance that they are talking about me. No i'm not being full of myself or anything like that but its just the reality, seriously how many Yoab's do you know? chances are i'm the only one you know or if you don't know me and you're a stranger who just happened to stumble upon my blog, chances still are that this is the first time you hear of a guy named Yoab. so let me tell you how i decided to write about this; i'm in school and im in line at the coffee shop trying to get some iced coffee, so its my turn to order and they don't have ice...so i have to wait for the coffee guy to go get ice. so i'm waiting for the dude to get ice, and there are these two girls there and they're just talking about whatever it is girls talk about, judging by their appearance i'm going to assume they were talking about the world crisis and the oil spill....NOT....they were fucken talkin about the Kardashians...seriously? wow...
so then i decide to just put on my ipod to prevent my IQ going down a few points. then the coffee dude comes with the ice and he says something, of course i can't hear him because i have the Beatles playing (ha! how stereotypical!) so anywho i take off my headphones and then i hear one of the girls say "...yeah she was dating some dude named Yoab she said he goes here..." W T F?? I didn't know if i should've said "hi my name is yoab and i believe im the only yoab in this school" but i didn't i just grabbed my iced coffee and walked away, then i started thinking about it, having a unique name fucken sucks! what if like idk i do something bad and my name is out there and then whenever i meet someone they'll be like "oh shit you're that guy that did that one bad thing!" and i'll say "no im not.....yeah ..i am ..fuck" its not cool! why couldn't my parents have named me jose, juan or jesus lol like every other mexican ??
point of the story is that having a unique name will definitely get my name out there...good or bad

So i had a dream that i was dating this girl and she was soooooo freaking nice and beautiful, like seriously the most beautiful girl i have ever seen or dated ..in my dreams...
she had tan skin, green eyes, wavy hair but she had bangs, she had little skinny spaghetti arms lol and she was petite, she kinda looked like Thandie Newton aka girl from run fatboy run... if you know anyone who looks like her or kinda reminds you of her please give her my number 773-787-6251 ...i'm in love with her....fuck you zooey deschanel you are no longer my crush

also i'm doing study abroad again ...in poland...yoab in poland next spring...fucken epic

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