Sunday, July 11, 2010

ghost from the past and random bbq

4th of july was well, not the best 4th of july ever. i had to treat my father like a damn kid who cant handle his alcohol and emotions, got kicked out my own damn house, decided to go for a drive and i see a ghost from the past drive next to me. something else to think about but...thats it lol the ghost from the past just drive and drove away so i really don't have anything cool to say about that, wish i did but oh well

so lets see what else has happened i really can't remember what i did and i lost my leettle notebook in which i jot down funny stuff that happens or just random shit so i don't forget about it..but...i lost it so everything i wrote is lost and now i can't remember what to write about so i'm writing about not remembering what to write about, ironic how that works out lol

';k,op;/ <

ok so lets just jump forward to friday, so friday i hung out with one of my super close friends/ my life coach Ali V, honestly, i don't know what i would've done without her support during The Great Depression ...and yes i'm calling my post-break up times the great depression. she was there for me through it all, she was nice when she had to and sometimes she would straight up treat my ass with cold and harsh honesty and for that i say thanks. so we met up and went to a BBQ ended up meeting a real cool couple, talked about traveling all in all i was a different me, i was talking to strangers like i knew them, even played many rounds of flippy cup lol so at the BBQ i saw friends from high school that i had not seen since 2005 and i saw one of my fraternity brother's GF...i'm tellin ya guys i always seem to encounter people i know in the most random places, it truly is a small world. so then we go to a bar after the BBQ for a bday and at the bar i saw more people that i knew. also my bro's gf had her friend with her and she was cute, so i used my pretty boy swag and got her number [lol].....more and more i am starting to really enjoy the single life, and no that does not mean i'm being a hoe bc i haven't done anything with anyone, but just meeting new people and making new friends is awesome, and i think that everyone should be more friendly, the more people you meet the more life experiences you will have, you don't want to be that one sheltered individual who only knows one scene. expand your horizons people seek new adventures, and even if you end up having a shitty ass experience at least you had an experience and you learned something new. i learned that i like dog soup and rat skewers in lol there u go!

on saturday july 10th we had our annual Block Party, and it was actually fun this time, i was chilling with family and friends, drinking, eating. i met some of the neighbors and some are cool and some are just plain douchebags.
i went to pick up ratatouille and when i came back my uncle, aunt, and cousins where there i hadn't seen my cousin hector in like 3 years so that was good. we talk since we had to catch up, they were all shocked i was single, and then i had to re-tell the story which i'm sick of repeating so i just say "eh, it happened for a reason and i'm happier now" then G-unit came with Rob, we had some beers and some food, my brother was there with his gf, his 2 friends jason and gabriel (my frat bros lil brother) and his gf's cousin....who i'm not gonna lie is pretty freaking hot but shes barely 18 LOL ...don't judge me

after the BBQ we decided to head to wrigleyville with G-unit and rob. there were a shitload of people i knew there and some that i didnt know but apparently they knew me. it was a barcrawl hosted by a fraternity that my fraternity is know to fight with, its really stupid really and i have no clue what thats about, a lot of my friends are in it so i don't care. so while waiting in line to get in to red ivy i think some dude was all like "well all i'm saying is dat this beta is here" and i had no clue who he was or how he know i was a beta and then he was like "you graduated from lane in 05 right?" that was just kind of creepy. i mean i literally have never seen this dude in my life but he was well informed when it came to me. so i said "wow dude you really know my shit, high five" but he didn't high five me. :(

so once inside i saw a lot of peeps i know we were all pretty hammered so i can't even remember half the things that were said. but all in all it was a great even and i tip my hat to the OD guys, specially from Z chapter. [ see? no hate ] so then i saw one of my oldest friends who i consider family but she was drunk and pretty much ignored me and when i talked to her her bf got all stupid and try to start a fight. i'm not one to walk away from a fight specially when its about something so FUCKING STUPID but i walked away this time just because it was her bf. i have to admit tho i am pretty disappointed but oh well.

the great highlight of the night though was having a real conversation, a serious conversation with one of my friends whom i used to have a crush on, and by talking i learned that she had a crush on me too but i never made a move on her, i guess being a friend is good but apparently you have make a move lol but i am super oblivious when it comes to this, i can never tell when a girl is into me or anything , i'm super oblivious to the obvious signs, so if you are reading this and you have a crush on me or something...TELL ME! bc i am NOT psychic so i cant read your mind

so yeah that was that

also i learned that the ghost from the past's bf supposedly treats her like crap, and though i still care for the ghosr and i believe that no1 should be treated like crap, i also believe that everyone needs to learn everything by themselves and not have someone try to open their eyes for them... because and trust me on this one you will never be able to change a person, unless that person wants to change for themselves. anyway, theres no way to even know if thats true or if its just hearsay, all i know is the ghost happy so thats good.

also on another note, i've recently started talking to someone after not talking to her for idk a year or so? and i have to admit, i'm really starting to like her, she's mature yet still a child at heart, she has a sense of the world and doesnt bs around. i think she might like me but i have no clue, and i also don't want to blow it by telling her i have a crush on her and then just making things awkward lol...despite popular belief about me being some kind of don juan, i'm really not lol idk how to "flirt" or anything, i just act like myself and well myself is pretty freaking awesome anywho we'll see how it all plays out with mystery girl X as i will refer to her since i dont want to name her and then ruin things, thought i'm pretty sure she knows i like her.

to be continued ... dun dun dun

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